viernes, 12 de enero de 2007


Un día te dice alguien: Tas vicia tu con eso del intelné y el chat.. eh. Que obsesión!

Automáticamente conteste sin mucho pensar "NOOO, no no no ", pero esas cosas después se quedan dando vueltas y vueltas en el terrano ..uiss perdón, azotea ( taré de verdad tan vicia?), cuando ya me arté de pensarlo decidí que tendría que distraer mi mente y ¿que mejor para ello ke hacer algo para tenerla ocupada?. Me pongo a txatear un poquito? no joer que me acaban de decir que estoy obsesioná. Decido que me siento un rato en el sofá y enchufo la caja tonta que para dejar mentes en blanco es de lo mejor.. lo mejor, y zaassss!!!!

OLEEE!!! Pasapalabra, a ve si llega el rosco joer que es mi prueba preferida. Y tras un rato de programa... ahí esta "EL ROSCO",¿quien en casa no ha jugado a acertar las definiciones antes que el concursante? Yo si, desde luego, y ahora pondré las definiciones y las respuestas que dí yo, claro está.

  • Con la A: Artista famoso conocido por sus fotografías a latas de sopa// ARDAN
  • Con la B: Conjunto de paginas para hacer anotaciones// BLOG
  • Con la C: Cópula sexual// CIBERSEXO
  • Con la CH: historieta breve que contiene un juego verbal o conceptual capaz de mover a risa// CHORRADA der Su_Ge
  • Con la D: Persona que trabaja exhibiendo fieras domadas.// DOMADORA DE FRIKIS
  • Con la E: Dicho de una persona Exagerada exaltación de la propia personalidad, hasta considerarla como centro de la atención // ER_SEFE?
  • Con la F: Sucesión de palabras unidas entre sí//FLOODE ( soy una machin)
  • Con la G: Santo dotado de sabiduría y arcángel anunciador //SAN GOOGLE
  • Con la H: Sesenta minutos//( esta si ke la acierto jeje) UNA HORA EXACTA DE TXATEO
  • Con la I:Nativos conocidos principalmente por su cara pintada // ICONOS GESTUALES
  • Con la J: Recipiente para líquidoscon asa// ( taza con t,ah ya ya) JAVA Microsystems
  • Con la K: Medida de peso//(ta chupá) KILOBYTE
  • Con la L: conjunto de paginas escritas y agrupadas entre sí// LYCOS CHAT
  • Con la LL:Mamífero rumiante. Es propio de América Meridional//(estos ke disen.. pa platicá mamita..llama,llama,aisss.. nu se) INTRO PALABRA
  • Con la M: Persona de mala fama que regenta salón de citas// MARIEDOMUS
  • Contiene la N: Abertura más o menos elevada sobre el suelo con sistema de apertura y cierre// WINDOWS OLEEEEE
  • Contiene la Ñ:Tiempo futuro más o menos próximo.. En el día que seguirá inmediatamente al de hoy.//( uff ni idea pero... mientras le tecleo a mi peña ke mañana mas y mejó)
  • Contiene la O:Sentimiento de afecto, inclinación y entrega a alguien o algo//AMOREEEEE (slurps)
  • Con la P: adj. Llano, liso, sin relieves// PANTALLA TFT
  • Con la Q:bla bla bla( jodé con esta no se me ocurré na)//INTRO PALABRA
  • Contiene la R:Persona que tiene a su cargo el guardar, cerrar y abrir el portal y vigilar la entrada y salida de personas//GINEBRA_A
  • Contiene la S: Molusco gasterópodo pulmonado, terrestre, sin concha, que deja como huella de su paso una abundante baba.// BABOSO DE PRIVI GUARRO
  • Con la T: Maquina de transmitir a distancia la palabra y toda clase de sonidos// TXEMITAAA (es una machin, tres móviles y los tres exan humo)
  • Contiene la U:Lugar que por sus características sirve para que las embarcaciones realicen operaciones de carga y descarga//USB
  • Con la V: Sentido corporal con que se perciben los objetos mediante la acción de la luz//VISTA PREVIA /publicar blog
  • Con la W: Anglicismo para definir servicio// WEB ( jeje, menudo servicio da la red)
  • Contiene la X: Lugar para presentaciones públicas de artes para estimular la cultura// CANAL EXPOSICIONES ( oleee anda ke no, pos no tenemos arte ni naa)
  • Contiene la Y: Música y canto con que en la noche del último día de abril obsequiaban los mozos a las solteras// ( Ufff ni idea, como no sea...yaa)YOUTUBE
  • Con la Z:Macho de la reina. De las tres clases de individuos que forman la colmena, es la mayor. ( Uis si si ..ese ke esta 24 horas conectao) UN ZÁNGANO

No pienso decir cuantas acerté, mi gran saber no es la cuestión de este blog. Lo que ha quedado claro y quería demostrar por encima de todo, es que yo no estoy obsesionada con el intelné y que puedo hacer otras cosas perfectamente a parte de txatear y navegar por la red como por ejemplo pasar una buena tarde viendo la televisión sin acordarme para nada del PC. Ahora creo ke me conectaré un rato

37 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Vaya blog de mierda

Lady_Ginebra dijo...

Oleee anónimo, gracias por tu visita y entretenerte en leer tanto como hay escrito( o acaso eres de los que opinas sin leer ni saber?)y comentar tu critica ya que lo peor de lo peor es la indiferencia y por cierto... porque no das la cara y te hago yo una visita al tuyo? Me encantaria poder aprender de tu arte ke seguro vas sobrao.

Anónimo dijo...

Ehhhhh tíaaaa eres una machineee.... oleeeee, tu enviciáaa que vaa que vaaaa....

bueno por a pedir el comodín del 50 %.. para una sondeo claro.... mmmmm bueno no me queda claro.... estoooo quiero el comodín del publico.. oeee oeee oeee.... tampoco tampoco... puesssss el comodín de la llamada, joer cual era tu num... pera lo tengo grabado.....


Expulsado de esta semana, el anónimo, joerrrr valiente eres no??? has puesto tus señas y todo...ohhhhh

Nominados de esta semana son : Suge y Pez, porqué porqué... pos porque sí, amos... algun problema????

Pd. yo no estoy enviciá del ordenata ni la tele.. que vaa.. yo todo lo que se lo se de oidas
......... click

./format C:

Anónimo dijo...

Esa ginebra guapa que me ha alegrao esta mañana mañanera de lunes mierdoso.
Sembrada has estao, pero de verdad de verdad, te confieso, lo que mas agusto me ha dejao es que los descerebraos no tengan nombre.

pez dijo...

De mi parte la puedes decir a esa personita que se podría fijar un poquito más para darse cuenta que realmente estas viciada a pasa palabra, ya solo piensas en roscos.

Anónimo dijo...

Desde que voy al mismo bar que tu, por mucho que el camarero me haga la cama y pretenda quedarse con la chica guapa con el rollo de la salsa, ando mejor de salud porque me rio mas.

Y ahora entiendo porque dices que no te da tiempo....jajaja

Lady_Ginebra dijo...

Weeeeeeeeeee CERGUANUEVO!!!
Ke alegria verte por estos lares perdidos de Dios, KE GUAY. Aisss lo de la chica guapa del bar es por mi ??? pero que arriesgado eres, peacho kamikacee? si no me has visto, solo te fias de las abladurias jeje, pos guapa no se si seré ahora la risoterapia conmigo está garantizada jejejeje. Y no es ke no me coma un rosco porke no tengo tiempo rey ke escribo porke no me lo como jajajajaj si no ya veras, el dia ke me de por ligar... juassssssss ese dia si pongo la fecha sera un milagro jajajaja tiempo al tiempo

Lady_Ginebra dijo...

Doma nosotras no tenemos vicio ni al beefeater ..amos amos como tu bien dices, todo lo sabemos de oidas, joer si he tenido ke mirar como se escribe en el google :P prrrrr jajajajajaja.

Al de las fotos a las latas:
weeeeeeee tu si ke eres wapo x dios x diossss muacksssss, y por los descerebrados sin nombre.. tu tranki si creo ke lo voy a adoptar como mascota de blog.

PEZ: aisss pos si, ya solo pienso en roscos, amos mas bien en comermelos, anda ke no esta bueno el de reyes!! jejeje

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Ideas on How to fulfill Girls at the Shopping mall

If you were a single guy and aren't the ideal at getting significantly much less meeting girls and are wondering in which you can visit uncover and speak to a girlfriend, then these ten reasonable hints on how to satisfy a female for the local mall, will need to arrive in mighty handy.

1 - Go to your foods court. Think it or not, the meals court will be the absolute most advantageous place within the mall to meet a lady. Here's what you do. Pick a food location and get in line for the meal. Even while that you are in line, seem around the area the place all people is seated and eating. Glimpse for a young girl seated alone, or even two girls seated together. When you have your meal in hand, walk over to wherever she or they can be sitting and ask if you’re able to join them. If you're trustworthy and straightforward with them, your odds are pretty great.

2- Do some considering. Just before you even give thought to proceeding to the shopping mall to meet a lady, sit oneself down and do some severe contemplating. Bear in mind how you may meet a young girl and what you can say to her if you are usually prosperous. Contemplate which components for this mall you'd check out. Also, you're gonna will need to invest in something whereas there, what do you will need? At long last, want to consider what meeting a woman in the public spot entails. Definitely you may have to look to get a wedding ring before speaking with a lady, and you are likely to need to take into account if it is wiser to speak into a young girl alone or a single who is with others. At long last, you might have being reasonable about your personal age along with the ages with the chick you desire to meet. As in, you might really need to tell your self to get sensible and do not check out to satisfy girls which are a lot of younger or older than that you are, or that glimpse out of your respective league.

3 - Request boost. The moment you were in conclusion in the local mall, a single among the means to fulfill women is by asking them for guide. Females know that men have no plan what they are really carrying out once they are purchasing, so asking for guide will not seem such a ridiculous approach. Request benefit in picking out a jacket for your self one example is. Doing so let's the woman know which you are single. If she agrees to aid you, talk to her other questions as you grab totally different jackets to try out on.

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Ideas on How to fulfill Ladies along at the Local mall

If that you're a single guy and aren't the superior at choosing substantially less meeting women and are wondering in which you could possibly go to find and match a female, then these ten acceptable recommendations on how to satisfy a young lady at the local mall, really should arrive in mighty handy.

1 - Go towards food court. Believe it or not, the foods court will be absolute most appropriate position in the local mall to satisfy a girlfriend. Here's what you do. Pick a foodstuff destination and get in line for your meal. Even while you are in line, take a look close to the area where exactly every person is seated and eating. Appear for a lady sitting down alone, and even two women sitting together. When you've your meal in hand, walk around to wherever she or they are sitting down and talk to if you can join them. If you're trustworthy and straightforward with them, your odds are fairly fantastic.

2- Do some considering. Earlier than you even consider planning on the mall to satisfy a gal, sit on your own down and do some serious considering. Mull over how you may meet a lady and what you would possibly say to her if you’re effective. Give thought to which parts of this shopping mall you'll pay a visit to. Also, you're gonna should acquire some thing whilst there, what do you may need? Eventually, look into what meeting a girlfriend in a public destination entails. Certainly you will really need to seem to be for the wedding ring ahead of speaking to some girl, and you are going to have to think about if it's wiser to speak to a woman alone or a single who's with other people. Lastly, you are going to have to get sensible about your own age along with the ages from the girlfriend you would like to fulfill. As in, you'll should tell on your own to be reasonable and don't you could try to meet women which have been a lot younger or older than you may be, or that start looking out of one's league.

three - Ask for guide. As soon as you might be eventually along at the mall, 1 for the ways to satisfy ladies is by asking them for aid. Women know that men have no thought what they're performing once they are buying, so asking for boost will not appear this kind of a ridiculous thought. Request help out in picking out a jacket for by yourself for instance. Undertaking so let's the woman know that you simply are single. If she agrees to help you, talk to her other queries as you grab totally different jackets to try on.

Hey guys I'm not confident if this is the sound space to mail this, but I am having some legitimate difficulty learning how to meet a hot girl I viewed over how to meet a hot girl [url=
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Very good article, well written and very thought out.

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t Also, a special technology made ??sole. It is made ??from foam rubber, which is very light, strong and springy. Lightweight outsole with almost weightless riding boots make a very light and comfortable.. Fashion is demanded by everyone, not only women, men as well as kids also need to find their fashion style. However, even a lot of brands all search their ways to find the best way to satisfy customers. Developing over 60 years, UGG Boots the Australia company has told their success story in 2011, because its occupy the mens market.. For quite a few, UGG boots give the perfect heat preserving material and comfort together with the winter months. Ugg boot are both comfy and cozy. This pair factors are exceedingly critical, no matter what amount of time you'll be spending out in the weather situations. [url=]Cheap Ugg Boots[/url] Premium fleece lining absorbs moisture to keep your feet dry and comfortable in warm and cold climates. Cushioned insole, flexible midsole and molded rubber lugged outsole for traction and slip resistance. Classics run somewhat large, about a whole size if you plan to wear them barefoot.. How could anybody anyplace not really enjoy Ugg footwear? Comfortable, functional, indestructible, often trendy Ugg boots go with every thing each awesome lady wears each day. Guys, too. These boots define the class and established the specifications for sheepskin boots and slippers. [url=]Ugg Boots Outlet[/url] Everywhere within your globe, Discount UGG Boots are most possibly one of the most common boots among countless individuals with one another with celebrities. They"re common as well as well-known personalities in Hollywood have on these boots for their attire. There may possibly be considered an enormous broad variety of design and color for nightfall ugg boots. Hemming may go up and down depending on how the garment has been cut. Length of legs needs alteration most of the time. If they are too lengthy, just turn them the size you want and stitch them properly by hand or machine. So if you can find a market selling local wollen goods, this would be your best bet. Unfortunately, finding UGG boots in Sydney can be fraught with variable prices. You can pay up to $AU400 for a pair that will be no better, or in some cases worse than a pair that cost $AU100 or less.